Wednesday, 3 April 2013

The Countdown Has Begun!

Last night we delivered our presentation to the Cleethorpes Rotary Club and guests from other Rotary Clubs. It was great to see some of  the Rotarian's I have already met again and also to meet new inspiring people. Everyone was very supportive of our team and gave kind words of advice and support.

Delivering the presentation served as a reminder that we have a lot of work to do on the study exchange and that we will be up in front of lots of people many times, I am looking forward to the day when that is not nerve wracking any more!

I brought along my manager Liam, Liz brought her partner and manager, Kat brought her headteacher and mother and Andrea brought her partner. It was good to spend the evening with the people who have supported us in the preparations to the Study Exchange and for them to learn more about Rotary and the important work they do.

Lianne was unable to make the meeting and it just goes to show we have become a good team as we certainly missed her presence.

For me our journey has begun with the starting point delivering our presentation last night. From here we have a mix of meetings and Portuguese lessons before we head off. Speaking of heading off it is only 24 days away and I am getting more excited by the day.

The next meeting we are attending in our preperation for our visit is at the Rotary District Council Meeting tonight over in Doncaster. Thursday we are over in Sheffield for a Portuguese lesson. This is all good practise for managing our busy schedules in Brazil!

If the lesson goes well maybe we will give you a taster of our Portugese language skills!

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