Friday, 17 May 2013

Escola Municipal

Whilst in Guaxupe we visited a public school, where the children were aged 4-10. The children were very excited to see us and to speak some English. The school is well resourced, with a computer room and lovely library. All of the books are donated by the government or other organisations.

Like other schools, the children either study in the morning or the afternoon - 2 different groups of children. When we arrived at about 10:30 it was lunch time (school begins at 7am). Lunch time lasted about 20 minutes and after they had another 2 lessons.

The school has a classroom for children with Special Educational Needs that has 2 computers and different activities for the children. The teacher explained that this group of children will learn for 50 minutes in their lessons. Other classes were sat outside listening to the teacher read a story. In comparison to other public schools we have visited here, this school had good resources and was similar to British schools in terms of colour, displays and engagement.

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