Bela Vista started out production in 1960. Back then it was a small operation producing 70 litres of milk a day by hand milking.
Things have changed since then and now a lot of the production is machine operated and 50000 litres of milk a day is produced.
There are four gradings of milk in Brazil.
A,B,C and UHT. Bela Vista produceds A grade milk which is the best quality milk.
In addition to milk, products including milkshakes, creamcheese, cheeses and yoghurt.
The production of the cheeses takes from 20 days to 6 months depending on the type of cheese.
Nothing not even salt is added to the milk to create the cheese.
We have all sampled the cheeses during our visit as its so popular at meal times and the cheeses range in flavour and texture but all have a rich creamy flavour.
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